Minimising risks and holding data securely

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Minimising Risks to Data: Best Practices


Protecting data integrity is crucial for all organisations. Implementing best practices reduces the risk of data breaches and ensures compliance with regulations.

Key Strategies

1. Clear Desk Policies

  • Secure Storage: Personal data should be locked away securely when not in use.
  • Restricted Access: Limit access to personal data to authorised employees only.

2. Computer Security

  • Lock Workstations: Always lock your computer when leaving your workstation.
  • Suspicious Emails: Report any suspicious emails to the IT department immediately.

3. Data Destruction

  • Policy Compliance: Ensure data destruction follows company policies.

4. Device Security

  • Safe Storage: Keep business devices secure and implement adequate security measures.
  • Prevent Unauthorised Access: Never leave devices unattended.

5. Password Management

  • Confidentiality: Avoid sharing passwords with colleagues.
  • Security: Do not write down passwords where they can be easily accessed.

6. Email Considerations

  • Forwarding Limitation: Limit the forwarding of emails, especially containing personal data.
  • Data Verification: Ensure correct recipients are selected and sensitive data is not included in emails.

7. Policy Adherence

  • Compliance: Always adhere to employer policies regarding data processing and email usage.
  • Respect: Treat personal data with utmost respect and consider its protection as you would want for your own data.

Data Destruction Policies

All organisations must have robust policies for securely destroying data, whether through cross shredding or certified shredding services for obsolete documents.